The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • No way to run a country.
  • Today we've had numerous reports about the Chinese taking over South West Trains.

    In most news items the fact that Hong Kong MTR are just a 30% stakeholder in the new franchise and UK transport conglomerate First Group hold the majority 70% was buried somewhere near the bottom.

    None of the reports mentioned that Hong Kong MTR have been running trains in the UK for the last 15 years, they were 50/50 partners in London Overground from 2002 until 2016 and have been running TfL Rail 100% since 2015 (which will eventually transform into Crossrail).

    Maybe the news media thought that mentioning these facts would detract from the headline or they were simply ignorant of the situation but either way it is a fine example of how poorly served the UK public are by its news media (and the social media is equally as ill informed).

    The UK's biggest problem; ignorance.
  • BBC news mentioned MTR being involved already.
  • The BBC website mentions that MTR will run Crossrail in the future and the item on the BBC London segment of the 6pm News mentioned they already run services out of Liverpool Street. Everyone else just seems to have cut and paste the DfT press release.
  • Chew Chew Trains ??
  • Wow women have legs, who knew...

  • Daily Mail ;doh
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