Pellegrini Confirmed as West Ham Manager (22.05.18) - already (September) there are doubters

edited September 2018 in Management & Board
This discussion was created from comments split from: The new manager hunt (was the Moyes thread) only 3 days to wait....


  • Welcome

    Really excited (tad nervous) about this

    Hes a winner and its important he brings that mentality here...would love a good cup run

    Biggest question for me is how we do with a back 4 which is his preffered line up

    Lets hope the board back him and get the players he wants
  • edited May 2018
    Not convinced myself, he will need to be given a wedge of money to transform West Ham into a football team that he likes to play his game with. If the board back him properly he could do it.

    Highest West Ham paid manager, good luck.
  • I am excited by this appointment. This is about as big a ‘name’ as we could have got. He’s good a very good pedigree, and could have gone to bigger clubs than ours, imo. Fair play to the board
  • Think we will seem more attacking football next season I;m looking forward to next season a bot more now. Just need a couple of decent signings DM and RB and I think we could have a decent season
  • We've just got to hope that the Board back him, surely he wouldn't have come without some cast iron guarantees on that front.
  • We've just got to hope that the Board back him, surely he wouldn't have come without some cast iron guarantees on that front.

    I was about to post well done to the board for delivering,now they need to give him the best budget and say go on prove to us your worth every penny we pay you, I know I’m an optimist but I can’t see why we can’t hit top eight and that should be our aim
  • I should add that, as much as I slag off the board, they've done well getting Pellegrini in, and getting him in quickly. Credit where it's due.
  • The very best we could have wished for. Much rather Pellegrini than Rafa, just something about Rafa I`m not sure about. Looking forward now to the transfer window and next season. Mad fool. And good luck to Moyes. ;footie
  • What is that shirt he's holding? ;hmm

  • Ooooo, next seasons home shirt? ;hmm
  • From the Beeb... Welcome to WH..

    Of course most of us first became aware of Manuel Pellegrini when he became Manchester City boss.

    He enjoyed the fifth highest win percentage in Premier League history during his three years in charge at the Etihad stadium, and signed Kevin De Bruyne, Raheem Sterling and Nicolas Otamendi in 2015

    He also led City to Premier League glory in 2013/14, becoming the first coach from outside of Europe to win the title, and also lifted the League Cup in the same season.

    City finished that campaign having scored 151 goals in all competitions – still an English record.

    Not bad eh!?
  • New manager new kit 2 in 1
  • Nice picture.... ;lol something in his eye....

  • Interestingly lack of blue on the shirt

    And damn sully is looking old
  • Looks Pellegrini is already having to arm wrestle Sullivan to get some transfer funds lol
  • Re the kit, not getting my hopes up, but it looks like it might be a winner already
  • A good signing if he gets the funds needed to improve the team. He needs to get rid of quite few players as well. Otherwise he will have as much luck as our other managers of recent years .
    Thought David Moyes did a good job with what he was given and the awful atmosphere surrounding the club.
  • Think the board realised they needed to up the anti, give him the funds and get shot of Brady and then jobs a good un
  • I think its great that Peter Capaldi has found a job after Doctor Who......
  • I agree with those who think that Pellegrini, before he signed on those large wages, must've clarified a TF (mmmmm TFs) kitty... Although something that makes logical sense and West Ham ;hmm I nearly got carried away too soon there ;wahoo

    # optimistic
  • Welcome Manuel , always thought it would be Rafa when Moyes went.

    However I'm happy with this appointment, as already said, let's hope he gets the backing now..

    But a interesting choice and I look forward to see how it unfolds...
  • Well, it's certainly not a 'safe/steady the ship' appointment.

    I'm sure he will bring in new players, but find the argument that without a big change in the squad he will do no better than recent managers concerning.

    If he isn't capable of getting our current squad better organised, and playing well more consistently, then I don't see why he got the job.

    Surely the idea is that he is a better coach than the likes of Moyes or Slav, not simply better provided he gets a fat wedge of money to buy better players?

    I'd like to hope that even without additions, Pellegrini was good enough to get us to 10th+.

  • Great to get it sorted and very well done to sully who has delivered upon his words

    He needs properly backing though. Don’t want to see him being landed with Yaya and Nasri
  • I reckon Hernandez might want to stay because Pellegrini plays with two up front
  • ASLEF ;ok

    Reckon Lanzini is more likely to hang around under Pellegrini, too
  • Well, it's certainly not a 'safe/steady the ship' appointment.

    I'd like to hope that even without additions, Pellegrini was good enough to get us to 10th+.

    You seriously believe that ?

    So if every other squad the in PL expanded and brought in new players, you think with Zero additions (with Mario and Harts Loans ended) you think he could coach us to the top 10.

    I think there is a reason why certain managers ask for transfer budgets and its not necessarily because their coaching skills are poor...
  • baracks

    Don’t want to see him being landed with Yaya and Nasri
    If he can be 'landed' with anyone, we've appointed the wrong man.

    As I said, I'm sure he will get to sign players, but I won't accept not signing big players as an excuse. He needs to be able to do better with our current lot, and allowing signings (or lack of them) as an excuse for not being able to do so is lowering the bar, imo.
  • From first presser:
    “I think West Ham has a very good team. I know all of the players and I saw most of the games that they played last season, so I am sure that, with the players we have in this moment in the squad, and bringing maybe another four or five players in, we are going to have a strong team.”
  • edited May 2018
    I think it's actually a risky appointment, but I find it hard, at face value, to say he is a worse manager than Moyes. So, in that sense, he is an improvement; so far, so good.

    But it is risky in the sense that his recent career experience is with Real Madrid & Man City, two vastly superior teams with lots of financial clout, before he (semi) retired to China. His records with Villarreal & Malaga give me hope, but like the classic "Sam & has Bolton days" or "Moyes & his glory days at Goodison", those stints were a while ago now, and he was a lot younger, still making a name for himself.

    My other concern is that his focus on attacking football may get the salivary glands going, but given how bad we've defended for a few years now (even Moyes couldn't stem some of this, & he's deemed a defensive coach), is it the right appointment for the personnel we have? The PL is no longer a 4-4-2/4-2-2-2 league unless you are one of the top sides, & even they all play a variation on 4-3-3.

    I'm excited in a curious kind of way, but Rafa would've been the safer appointment. You'd know with him, we'd be almost guaranteed to finish top 10. Is Pellegrini motivated to return to the glory days of Malaga, building a side relatively quickly & successfully? Will we be a side that ships goals but always looks to score one more than the opposition? Is he firm enough (reports of relaxed training regimes at Man City & Madrid)?

    At 64, although not old, he's clearly not being appointed in the hope he's here for a decade.

    A brave appointment. His CV certainly speaks for itself. Let's see what he can do.

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